- Colonna, T.E. and Helfgott, J.S. (2009) "Biomedical Software Regulation 1st ed. Washington, DC: FDLI; 2009"
- Colonna, T.E. and Shapiro, J.K (2006) "Promotion of Biomedical Products: Regulatory Considerations 1st ed. Washington, DC: FDLI; 2006"
- Colonna, T.E. (2002) "Point of Care Developments in 2001" e-Book available at: www.medivations.com/ebooks/ebookmain.htm
- Colonna, T.E. (2002) "Best of Physician Office News Volume 1" e-Book available at: www.medivations.com/ebooks/ebookmain.htm
- Colonna, T.E. (2002) "Best of Medivations Volume 2" e-Book available at: www.medivations.com/ebooks/ebookmain.htm
- Colonna, T.E. (2001) "The Healthcare Professionals Guide To HIPAA Medical Record Privacy" e-Book available at: www.physicianofficemanager.net/hipaa_ebook.htm
- Colonna, T.E. (2001) "The Healthcare Professionals Guide To Online Continuing Education" e-Book available at: www.medivations.com/ebooks/ebookmain.htm
- Colonna, T.E. (2001) "Best of Medivations Volume 1" e-Book available at: www.medivations.com/ebooks/ebookmain.htm
- Colonna, T.E. (2001) "Recent Development in the Point of Care Marketplace" e-Book available at: www.medivations.com/ebooks/ebookmain.htm
- Colonna, T.E. (2001) "The Healthcare Professionals Guide to Buying Medical Supplies Online" e-Book available at: www.medivations.com/ebooks/ebookmain.htm
- Colonna, T.E. (2001) "The Healthcare Professionals Guide to Electronic Mail" e-Book available at: www.medivations.com/ebooks/ebookmain.htm
- Colonna, T.E. and Thomas, D.E. (2000) "Radiology Turf Wars and Antitrust Law" Texas Medicine 96(8): 64-68.
- Colonna, T.E. and Thomas, D.E. (2000) "Following A New Path Along the Search for Life the Solar System" Mercury 29: 11-17.
- Colonna, T.E. and Thomas, D.E. (1999) "Be Careful Saving the Earth from Near-Earth-Orbit Objects: You May be Breaking the Law" Mercury 28: 36-40.
- Colonna, T.E. and Thomas, D.E. (1999) "Informed Consent for the Reuse of Single-Use Medical Devices and Physician Liability" Texas Medicine 95(3): 64-67.
- Hogan, J.M. and Colonna, T.E. (1998) "Products Liability Implications of Reuse and Reprocessing of Single-Use Medical Devices" Food and Drug Law Journal 53(3): 385-402
- Colonna, T.E., Kostich, M., Hamrick, M., Hwang, B., Rawn, J.D., and Fambrough, D.M. (1997) "Subunit Interactions in the Sodium Pump" Annals of the N.Y. Academy of Science 834: 498-51
- Colonna, T.E., and Fambrough, D.M. (1997) "Subunit interactions in the Na,K- ATPase explored with the Yeast Two-Hybrid system" J. Biological Chemistry 272: 12366-12372
- Alcorn, T.M., Colonna, T.E., Green, S.M., Thomulka, K.W., and Campbell, P. (1990) "A post growth overlay transforms the conventional nonspecific XP plate assay into one specific for alkaline phosphatase activity" J. Microbiological Methods 11: 59-64